Coffee House Ramble #8

Weekly Coffee House Ramble

I would first like to apologize that I cannot be here today. I will most definitely be in my upper level Statistics class at the moment, probably counting down the 50 minutes until when I will be getting out to go to the bookstore and blow a few hundred bucks on textbooks. To tell you the truth, I would rather be in bed. I am not at all used to waking up this early.

But what can I say? All my classes this semester will be in the morning which means I will be getting up before dawn Monday to Friday. Weirdly, on the other hand, I’ve been looking forward to this semester. You may ask, “Why?”

In my heart, I have a feeling this semester will be different than the last. It will be better. For one, I am not taking any accounting classes this semester. I am taking business classes instead like management, marketing, information system, and of course statistics. For another, it’s just me going to school this semester, mom’s not tagging along, attempting to make my life miserable. She will pretty soon be working from day to night and I’ll be pretty much alone at home. I will get to have the car. I will get to stay at school for as long as I want and won’t have anyone texting me when I’ll be home. I just wish I get to go anywhere I want without mom knowing.

That will come at a cost though. Everything comes at a cost. Mom will be cranky and irritable. She doesn’t want to work and yet money’s her best friend. Don’t look at me, I didn’t tell her to take so many jobs.

I’ve made myself a promise at the end of last semester that I will enjoy this semester, that I will make an effort to make friends, to social, to network. I just hope I can live with this promise.

In case you missed last time:

Coffee House Ramble #7

7 thoughts on “Coffee House Ramble #8

  1. I remember upper-division stats — my sincere respects. The subject accounts for one of only two “C’s” during ten-years of college. I actually hired someone to review the statistics from two graduate papers I was using for my own graduate work. Ironically, he found that the maths were incorrect for both.

    So how did you do?

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    1. So far, it’s fine. I never did a straight-stat class before ever. Each time I took stats in college, I took it as a combination class, like half-semester economics and half-semester stat. So this will be a straight statistics class for me. I did pretty well in Calculus 1, 2, and 3 so maybe I’ll do well in this as well. We’ll see. I’m only two weeks in.

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