Vivid Flowers

So, I want to ask, do you remember this picture?

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Do not worry if you don’t.  This was taken at the end of March. Why am I asking? It’s because I took the photograph below two days ago.


I hope you see the tulips are gone and it’s replaced by the roses. What a difference in just three short months!

But this isn’t about that, it is about these pictures which are my contribution for this week’s photo challenge: Vivid. I hope you enjoy.

F.Y.I: The pictures of the roses and whatever those magenta flowers are were taken with my Note 10.1 tablet and then I played with it in pixlr. The other pictures were taken with my old bad-battery camera.


8 thoughts on “Vivid Flowers

  1. Isn’t it amazing when one layer appears, another is lurking behind, waiting for its moment in the sun. I have featured three different flowers this year on my blog – crocuses, daffodils, and now peonies and poppies, lilies are next and then it begins anew all over again. Have a wonderful week.

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