I can’t laugh or joke. No joke!

zappa-funny-inspirational-quotesBefore I get into today’s post, I would just like to say that I know at the start of the week, I said there would be a marathon of Writing 101 posts. I’ve decided because of the work situation, I will call it quits with 16/20 completion. I may try again in another time.

Next, oh yes, work. I have to heave a sigh. Work.

It’s been awful this month so far. Since my semester is over, I passed my classes with flying colors by the way, mom is pushing me to work like her, 10-20 hours workdays. With two jobs, she’s pushing me to get a third job. Taxes and money, those are her reasons. She’s manipulating my wants like always and as much as I want that, I don’t know if I can even do that. My neck aches from turning between the two screens while my vision is blurring. Even now as I’m writing this, I have to twist my neck like a possessed person.

I have started wearing my glasses again. It’s been a long time but yes, I wear glasses.

Did I mentioned there are 483 articles that need to be updated this month? I’m not doing all of it, thank god. I’m only doing the instructor portion and that alone is about 300 articles. So far I’ve only done about 100 articles. That’s already 40 hours and over 7000 words translated! Can you believe that? That’s almost the length of my current WIP short story!

During all of that, I have been missing my favorite TV shows. 😦 A very long queue has been building up on my Hulu account and I’ll bet most of them are expired now.

Now, onto what I really want to write today. Forgive and forget. I have to laugh for a minute. This is such a funny prompt.

Okay, here the thing, forgiveness does not happen here, not in this house. At least, I’ve never seen it done. Actually I have but it’s mostly one-sided. I’m supposed to forgive mom for all her cruel teasing and jokes about me while I can’t even laugh or joke EVER.

If I sputter a laugh, she’ll immediately assume I’m watching something instead of working. Then she’d storm into my room and give me this 30-minutes lecture of why I should work.

Yesterday afternoon, she reminded me once again that my GMAT preparation class starts this Saturday. It’s $620 and I’m supposed to pay for that all by myself. I don’t mind that but the fact that she wants me to bring a tape recorder and record everything the instructor says just pisses me off. She wants to take advantage of me AGAIN!

The other thing is she wants me to lie to the instructor. These are her words, not mine. “If the instructor asks, tell her you have a thyroid condition and the doctor prescribed you some medication that caused you to have short-term memory loss.”


What ridiculous lie is that?

Sure I had memory loss before but that was three or four years ago, now that’s just plain manipulation on the instructor’s lack of medical knowledge.

Can I blame her? She does what she does best. That is taking advantage of resources on other people hard-earn cash and using past events for manipulation.

After that she said. “Help me pass the GMAT.” Again, her words, not mine.

So I blurted out. “Then why don’t you pay for half of my tuition?”

She gasped. “How dare you?! What about car insurance? Gas? How dare you ask me to pay for half of your tuition?!”

I can’t tell a little joke, seriously? Technically, it’s not a joke. I really did want her to pay half. After all, she’s technically participating in the class even though not directly. “It’s a joke!” I surrendered and had to listen to her angry lecture on how she worked hard to provide for me, blah blah blah.

You think you work hard? What about me?

10 thoughts on “I can’t laugh or joke. No joke!

  1. Your mother is dysfunctional and has you on her “dysfunctional wheel” like hamster. I’ll be glad when you can get out from under her and on your own. I’m glad to hear you passed your classes! By the way, it might be against your instructor’s rules to tape record him/her talking. If I were the instructor, I wouldn’t allow it.

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  2. CONGRATULATIONS !… on passing with flying colors. I admire you for pushing forward, especially with all that you have had to deal with. And, please don’t ever let anyone convince you to lie….that should be a definite no….I don’t care where that advice comes from. If people lose their trust in you, it takes a long time to gain it back…and sometimes one never gets it back. I wish you the best!

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